
October 7, 2013 1:04 pm

A quick glimpse of a wedding I was lucky enough to catch on film. I know this sounds cliche, but the love between Clare & Mike grew my cynical, grinch-like heart 10 sizes that day. There was magic and inspiration in the air, the kind that makes you want to be a better person. Usually this only happens to me at Disney Land. Enjoy!

xo Alana

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  • Julia @Vikalinka

    Wow, it’s so beautiful! What a gift to be able to look at this years down the road. I could only wish you were there to take my wedding video 12 years ago! hahaha Instead I am in the possession of 40 minute recall of the pastor officiating the ceremony with a side view of my and my husband’s noses.

    • Alana

      Aww, thanks Julia! It’s only 30 seconds, but I think the magic shines through pretty readily. Sorry your wedding video sucked, If I somehow build a time machine I’m comin for you! xo Alana


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