Life is short, be amazing everyday!

October 7, 2011 1:04 am

I was recently reminded how fleeting life can be, and sometimes all we can really do is take a deep breath and start being the person that lives without regrets, lives for happiness, and tries to be the person everyone sees but you. I’m trying to surround myself with people and activities that I’m passionate about, focus on the lovely things in life, and be someone my grandma would be proud of! Here are a few trivial snapshots of things making me happy today, nothing ground breaking, but its friday, c’est la vie!

My taupe shoes and very very very red pants! (above)

My new favorite and weird addition to any bouquet, an ANIMAL antenna ball!!!!

Helicopters!!!! Beyond obsessed and studying for ground school, thats right, I’m going to fly helicopters!

White lanterns and tea lights, planning a wedding is daunting but kind of magical!

Happy friday!


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